Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

  • The Outpatient department lavishly spread across an 11,000 sq. ft. area
  • Only speciality bridging medicine and dentistry.
  • Helped more than 5000 patients with a wide range of injuries and disabilities involving the Face and Jaws to get back to active life.
  • Equipped with state of the art instruments like Surgical Operating Microscope, soft tissue lasers, advanced plating and reconstructive systems, Endoscope
  • With the backup of an 810 bedded hospital and 24X7 ICU and HDU support.
  • Conducted 10 International / National level workshops on various aspects of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with international faculty and live surgeries.
  • Treated more than 800 patients with complex craniofacial deformities, over the years.
  • With a fully functional casualty, the department has treated more than 2000 cases of complex Craniofacial trauma with ATLS certified surgeons.
  • Virtual surgical planning and digital workflow techniques used for computer assisted surgical management of complex Craniofacial deformities.
  • The management of advanced Oral Cancer and the reconstruction of the composite defect using regional and free flaps using microvascular surgical techniques.
  • Management of complex Craniofacial deformity under INGA foundation with PALS and BLS certified surgeons.
  • One of the few centres Pan-India to successfully undertake TM Joint replacement.
  • Dedicated sleep medicine research centre for management of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, in collaboration with Penn Medicine, under Pennsylvania Health System, USA.
  • The department ensures the latest in Virtual surgical planning and digital workflow techniques are pressed into action for patient care by collaborating with Benchmark institutions like IIT, Powai and industry-academia partnerships with leaders like incredible 3D and Illusion labs.
  • Collaboration with INGA and operation smile under a comprehensive MoU for the management of craniofacial deformities, under which we have changed hundreds of lives....one smile at a time.
  • Student exchange program for Post graduate students of the department with Nair Dental college and hospital that is endorsed by MSC AOMSI.
Sr. No. Photo Name of the Teacher Designation Email Id
Dr. Srivalli  Natarajan
Dr. Srivalli Natarajan Dean, Professor & HOD Srivalli Natarajan@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Usha Asnani
Dr. Usha Asnani Professor Usha Asnani@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Sunil Sidana
Dr. Sunil Sidana Professor Sunil Sidana@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Adil Gandevivala
Dr. Adil Gandevivala Professor Adil Gandevival@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Suraj Ahuja
Dr. Suraj Ahuja Reader Suraj Ahuja@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Sneha Naware
Dr. Sneha Naware Lecturer Sneha Naware@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Nitesh Patkar
Dr. Nitesh Patkar Lecturer Nitesh Patkar@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Padmakar Baviskar
Dr. Padmakar Baviskar Lecturer Padmakar Baviskar@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Ruchita Balkawade
Dr. Ruchita Balkawade Lecturer Ruchita Balkawade@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr. Pareeksit Bagchi Lecturer pareeksitbagchi@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr Akansha Kandoi
Dr Meghna Chandrachood Tutor meghnachandrachood@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr Akansha Kandoi
Dr. Dr. Pranave P Tutor pranavep@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Dr Akansha Kandoi
Dr. Varsha Patel Tutor Varsha Patel@mgmdchnavimumbai.edu.in
Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Chapter 47 - Design, Additive Manufacturing and Application of Patient-Customized Orbital Implants Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 223, ISSN 2190-3018 ISSN 2190-3026 (electronic), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
ISBN 978-981-16-0083-8 ISBN 978-981-16-0084-5 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007 978-981-16-0084-5
Authors: Samrat Sagar, Srivalli Natrajan, Suraj Naik, Bhanupratap Gaur, M. Suryawanshi Chetana, Shehbaz Ali Syed, Burhan Khambati, Rupesh Ghyar, and Ravi Bhallamudi
"Chapter 48 - Guidelines to Design Custom 3D Printed Jig for Orthopaedic SurgerySmart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 223, ISSN 2190-3018 ISSN 2190-3026 (electronic), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
ISBN 978-981-16-0083-8 ISBN 978-981-16-0084-5 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007 978-981-16-0084-5
Authors: Shehbaz Ali Syed, Bhanupratap Gaur, Samrat Sagar, M. Suryawanshi Chetana, Suraj Naik, Burhan Khambati, Srivalli Natrajan, Rupesh Ghyar, and Ravi Bhallamudi"
Natarajan S, Traumatic optic neuropathy in Orbital wall fractures- Diagnostic parameters and treatment outcomes: A Prsopective Observational Study. Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021 2021
Dr. Sunil Sidana, Dr. Prachi Goyal, Dr. Srivalli Natarajan, Dr. Shilpa Patel, Dr. Niharika Swain, Dr. Padmakar Baviskar. Is there a correlation between radiographic presentation of multilocularity and aggressive histology of unicystic ameloblastomas.- Report of two cases and Review of literature. Journal of Asian Journal of Dental Sciences. 2021; 4(2); 39-48 2021
Baviskar P, Suraj A, Natarajan S, Bagchi P Tetanus of Suspected Dental Causality , Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2020 2021
Sinha A, Natarajan S. Comparative Evaluation of Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Retromandibular Transparotid and Transoral Endoscopic-Assisted Approach for Surgical Management of Mandibular Subcondylar Fractures. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction. August 2020. 2020
Usha Asnani, Srivalli Natarajan, Nitesh Patkar, Suraj Ahuja, Abhishek Datta, Imran Khalid. Evaluation of incidence of neurosensory deficits following removal of impactedmandibular third molar : A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 cases. INT J Oral Health Med Res, March – April 2020.
Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research- James Lind University -
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natarajan, Usha Asnani, Nitesh Patkar, Adil Gandevivala. A Rare Occurrence of mucous retention cyst in midcheek region: A Case Report. Int Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. 2019
Sidana S, Natrajan S, Vathare PP, Kadam S, Shah SB. Basal Cell Carcinoma in Medial Canthal Region. J Contemp Dent 2019; 9 (3):141-143. 2019
Borescope: A frugal tool for capturing cleft palatal surgeriesJournal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeryDr. Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Dr. Gaurav Deshpande,Dr.Abhishek Dutta,Dr. Srivalli Natarajan,Dr.Usha Asnani,Dr. Imran KhalidVolume 72, Issue 9, September 2019, Pages 1576-1606 2019
Deshmukh M, Vaidya S, Deshpande G, Galinde J, Natarajan S – Comparative Evaluation of Esthetic Outcomes in Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair Betwenn the Mohler and Fisher Repair Techniques: A Prospective, Randomized, Observer – Blind Study – J. Oral Maxillofac Sure 2019 2019
Srivalli Natarajan, Taher Abbas Mistry, Usha Asnani – Evaluation of the Prevalence of Comorbidities in Patents Reporting for Dentoaveolar Surgeries – Original Research - Indian Journal of Dental Research –Vol 30, Issue –6; 860-863. 2019
Taher M, Srivalli N, Yusuf M. Comparative Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Laser Skin Resurfacing Using an Ultra-Pulse Carbon Dioxide Laser and Manual Dermabrasion Using a Medium-Grit Drywall Sand Screen for Scar Revision in Adults: A Split-Scar Prospective Study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2019 Feb 1;77(2):411-e1. 2019
Dutta A, Ahuja S, Asnani U, Natarajan S, Vaidya S, Gandevivala A. Looking back at zygomatic fractures: what, when and how for better treatment planning - a retrospective analysis. Br J Pharma Med Res 2018,1(6):1404-1413 2018
Sneha Kadam, Sushrut Vaidya, Jyotsna Galinde, Srivalli Natrajan. Clinical outcome of rapid absorbable irradiated polyglactin 910 suture versus non-absorbable ethilon suture in closure of the skin wounds of head and neck region –a comparative study. .Int J Sc Research Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018(PUBMED) 2018
Dinesh Shah, Srivalli Natarajan – Corelation between incidence and spectrum of ophthalmic injuries patterns of craniofacial fractures involving orbital walls a prospective study – International Journal of Scientific Research – Vol -7, Issue3 March – 2018 (PUBMED) 2018
Himika Gupta , Srivalli Natarajan, Sushrut Vaidya, Shipra Gupta, Dinesh Shah Raj Merchant Shrikant Deshpande – Traumatic eye ball luxation: A stepwise approach to globe salvage - Saudi Journal Of Ophthalmology .2017 31,260-265 (PUBMED) 2017
Ahuja SA, Natarajan S , Galinde J, Asnani U: Management of parotid sialocele using botulinum toxin type –A Novel conservative approach Annals of dental speciality Vol5; issue 3 2017 2017
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natrajan, Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Gas gangrene in the Neck caused by an odontogenic, Infection - A case report. Journal of surgery 2017, J129 - volmee 2017 ISSUE 06 (PUBMED) 2017
Gauri kokane ,Srivalli Natarajan ,Demonstration & characterization of stem cells in pulp tissue of human third molar teeth: A ex-vivo study International Journal of scientific research: Vol 6 / issue -12 / dec 2017(PUBMED) 2017
Srivalli Natarajan , Yusuf A Mistry, Taher Mistry, Shailesh Kokal - Oral Myiasis – A Paoper’s Affection : Case Reports and A Review of 62 Cases – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry , January – April 2017:7(1) 62-70 2017
Yusuf Abbas Mistry, Srivalli S. Natarajan , Suraj A. Ahuja - A Comparative Evaluation of Laser Tissue Welding and Laser – Tissue Soldering for Mucosal and Vascular Repair: An In Vitro Study – Original Article – In Vitro Study – (Original Article) – Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery – Vol – 8, Issue – 01 - 2017(PUBMED) 2017
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natrajan, Sneha kadam Primary Non – Hodgkin‘s Lymphoma involving Parotid Galand : A Rare Entity. . J Contemp Dent Jan-April2017; 7(1):1-5. 2017
Natarajan S, Ahuja S, Asnani U – Incidence of Airway Compromise in Patients with Head, Face and Nweck Injuries – An Observational Study – Case Report - Intenational Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research - 2016:3:1-5. 2016
Natarajan S, Khalid I. Glandular odontogenic cyst mimicking a radicular cyst: a case series. International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports. 2016;3(1):1-4. 2016
Jatinder Nath Khanna, Srivalli Natarajan, Jyotsna Galinde- Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis – An emerging threat – Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 27 (2015) 550-557(PUBMED 2015
Abhishek Mistry,Richard Pereira, Vineet Kini, Ashvini Padhye, L.S.Poonja, Srivalli N – Management of on Unresponsive Periodontal Lesion in an Endodontic Involved Tooth Complicated by Actinomyces Species.- Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. September-December 2014;4(3):167-172. 2014
J. N. Khanna, Srivalli Natrajan, J. S. Galinde. Skull Base Tumors: A Kaleidoscope of Challenge J Neurol Surg Rep 2014; 75(01): e11-e21. (PUBMED) 2014
Radhika Ramaswami,Jyotsna Galinde,N Srivalli,Sunil Sidana – Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor - Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. May-August 2013;3(1):87-91. 2013
Sushrut Vaidya, Sunil Sidana,Jyotsna Galinde, Srivalli N. – Osteochondroma of the Mandibular Condyle – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Sep-Dec 2012;2(3):106-108 2012
Srivalli Natrajan, Jyotsna S Galinde, Usha Asnani, Sunil Sidana, Radhika Ramaswami – Facial Dog Bite Injury – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry May-August 2012;2(2): 34-38. 2012
Usha Asnani, Jyotsna S. Galinde, Srivalli Natrajan, Mahesh Sonar. – Florid Cemento-osseous dysplasia.– Journal of Contemporary Dentistry.April 2012; 2(1):53-56 2012
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natrajan, Imran Khalid, Alok Bhardwaj. – Calculi in Partotid Duct: A rare case report. – Indian J Stomatol 2012; 3(1):62-65 2012
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natrajan, Jyotsna S. Galinde, Alok Bhardwaj. – Juxtacortical osteosarcoma of Mandible.– Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery. 2011;1(2):172-175(PUBMED) 2011
Usha Asnani, Smita Sonavane, Srivalli Natrajan, Fawaz Baig. – Panfacial Trauma.– International Journal of Dental Clinics.April-June 2010; 2(2):35-38(PUBMED) 2010
J. S. Galinde, Srivalli Natrajan. – Fibro-osseous lesions of jaws.– International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.May 2009; 38(5):483(PUBMED) 2009

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Usha Asnani, Srivalli Natarajan, Nitesh Patkar, Suraj Ahuja, Abhishek Datta, Imran Khalid. Evaluation of incidence of neurosensory deficits following removal of impacted mandibular third molar : A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 cases. INT J Oral Health Med Res, March – April 2020. 2020
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natarajan, Usha Asnani, Nitesh Patkar, Adil Gandevivala. A Rare Occurrence of mucous retention cyst in midcheek region: A Case Report. Int Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. 2019
Borescope: A frugal tool for capturing cleft palatal surgeriesJournal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeryDr. Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Dr. Gaurav Deshpande,Dr.Abhishek Dutta,Dr. Srivalli Natarajan,Dr.Usha Asnani,Dr. Imran KhalidVolume 72, Issue 9, September 2019, Pages 1576-1606 2019
Srivalli Natarajan, Taher Abbas Mistry, Usha Asnani – Evaluation of the Prevalence of Comorbidities in Patents Reporting for Dentoaveolar Surgeries – Original Research - Indian Journal of Dental Research –Vol 30, Issue –06; 860-863 2019
Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Jyotsna Galinde, Usha Asnani, Yusuf Mistry - Comparative Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes Using Delta Plates and Conventional Miniplates for Internal Fixation of Mandibular Condylar Fractures in Adults – Craniomaxillofacial Trauma – February – 2018 ;60(PUBMED) 2018
Abhishek Dutta, Suraj Ahuja, Usha Asnani, Srivalli Natarajan, Sushrut Vaidya, Adil Gandevivala. Looking back at Zygomatic Fracture: What, When and How for Better Treatment Planniong- A Retrospective Analysis.British Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 03, Issue 06, Page 1404-1412, November-December 2018. 2018
Ahuja SA, Natarajan S , Galinde J, Asnani U: Management of parotid sialocele using botulinum toxin type –A Novel conservative approach Annals of dental speciality Vol5; issue 3 2017 2017
Natarajan S, Ahuja S, Asnani U – Incidence of Airway Compromise in Patients with Head, Face and Nweck Injuries – An Observational Study – Intenational Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research - 2016:3:1-5. 2016
Srivalli Natrajan,Jyotsna S Galinde,Usha Asnani, Sunil Sidana, Radhika Ramaswami – Facial Dog Bite Injury – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry May-August 2012;2(2):34-38. 2012
Usha Asnani, Jyotsna S. Galinde, Srivalli Natrajan, Mahesh Sonar. – Florid Cemento-osseous dysplasia.– Journal of Contemporary Dentistry.April 2012; 2(1):53-56 2012
Sushrut Vaidya, Usha Asnani, Smita Sonavane, Imran Khalid, Kartik Poonja, Alok Bhardwaj. – A Compound composite odontoma in mandibular symphysis - a rare case.– Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Oct-Dec 2011; 1(2):46-48 2011
Smita Sonavane, Usha Asnani. – A Retrieval of Foreign object from maxillary antrum a case report.– JIDA. January 2011; 5(1): 162-163 2011
Usha Asnani, Smita Sonavane, N. Srivalli, Fawaz Baig. – Panfacial Trauma.– International Journal of Dental Clinics. April-June 2010; 2(2):35-38(PUBMED) 2010

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Sidana S, Kadam S. Cicatricial ectropion of lower eyelid: A report of two cases. J Cutan Aesthet Surg 2021;14:233-7. 2021
Pathak J, Hosalkar RM, Sidana S, Swain N, Patel S. Benign cementoblastoma involving left deciduous first molar: A case report and review of literature. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol [serial online] 2019 [cited 2021 Aug 2 ];23:422-428 2019
Sidana S, Natrajan S, Vathare PP, Kadam S, Shah SB. Basal Cell Carcinoma in Medial Canthal Region. J Contemp Dent 2019; 9 (3):141-143. 2019
Dr. Sunil Sidana, Dr. Taher Abbas Mistry, Dr. Yusuf Abbas Mistry, " Congenital Epidermoid Cyst within the Parotid Gland - A Rare Presentation", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018, 893 – 894. (PUBMED) 2018
Sidana S, Mistry Y, Gandevivala A, Motwani N. Evaluation of the Need for Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Routine Intra-alveolar Dental Extractions in Healthy Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice. 2017 Sep 1;17(3):184-9. (PUBMED) 2017
Dr. Adil Gandevivala, Dinesh H Shah, Sunil Sidana, Akram Khan - Modified Rhomboid Flap for Reconstruction of Defect of Check after Excision of Basal Cell Carcinoma – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry – May – August – 2016 Vol- 6 (2) – 154-156 2016
Dr. Sunil Sidana, Dr. Shah Dineshbhai Himmatlal, Dr. Adil Gandevivala - Coronal Approach – A Simple And Cosmetic Approach To Craniofacial Fractures – Famdent Practical Dentistry Handbook – Vol. 16Issue 3 Jan- Mar – 2016 – 68-72 2016
Shshrut Vaidya, Sunil Sindana, Adil Gandevivala, Ashvin Wagh - A Rare case of complex odontome in posterior maxilla – Journal Dent Res Rev 2015;2:82-5 2015
Sachin Kanagotagi, Sunil Sidana, Sneha Rajguru, Ashvini Padhye – Gingival Fibromatosis with Distinctive Facies – A Three Generation Case Report – Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. May – 2015; 9(5) 5-7 (Research Articles) 2015
Gauri Kokane, Sunil Sidana, Jyotsna Galinde, Imran Khalid – Awareness of Bisphosphonate Use and Its Dental Complications among the Dental Practitioners - Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. – January- April 2015 :5(1): 1-6 (Research Articles) 2015
Shazneen Firdosh Daruwalla, Sunil Sidana – Current Evidence-based Management of Patients on Antiplatelents and Anticoagulants in Dental Practice : A Questionnair –based Survey of Interns and Staff - Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Jan-April 2014; 4 (1):22-26. 2014
"Radhika Ramaswami,Jyotsna Galinde,N Srivalli,Sunil Sidana – Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor - Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. May-August 2013;3(1):87-91." 2013
Sunil Sidana, Kartik Poonja, Jyotsna Galinde, L.S. Poonja – Calcifying Cystic Odontogenic Tumor with Compound Odontoma – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Jan-April 2013;3(1):36-39. 2013
Sushrut Vaidya, Sunil Sidana, Jyotsna Galinde, Srivalli N. – Osteochondroma of the Mandibular Condyle – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. Sep-Dec 2012;2(3):106-108 2012
Srivalli Natrajan,Jyotsna S Galinde,Usha Asnani,Sunil Sidana, Radhika Ramaswami – Facial Dog Bite Injury – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry May-August 2012;2(2):34-38. 2012
Sidana S. Re. Pankaj Taneja, John Rowson. National survey of the use and application of leeches in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Jun 1;50(4):e61. 2012
Sunil Sidana, B Millet, C Moss. Parapharyngeal ectopic thyroid mimicking deep lobe partotid tumor alongwith multinodular thyroid goitre- a very rare presentation.Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Jan 2012;41:89-90 2012
Sunil Sidana. Use of colostomy bag in Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. July 2011; 69(7): 185-7 2011
Sunil Sidana, J. S. Galinde. Contemporary management of patients on warfarin aspirin & clopidrogel requiring denotalveolar surgery.Journal of Contemporary Dentistry.Jun-Sept 2011; 1(1):22-25 2011
Sunil Sidana, Dilip Srinivas, A. Macbean. Tracheal tear following elective tracheostomy. Br J Oral & Maxfac Surg. 2009 April. 2009
J. P. Shetty, Mubin, Sunil Sidana. Osteomyelitis of the maxilla secondary to osteopetrosis.Indian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 1999 1999

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Pawar P, Vaishampayan S, Shah DH, Pai A. Retro-auricular endo assisted selective neck dissection (how I do it). Oral Oncology. 2020 Nov 1;110:104942. 2020
Chaturvedi P, Malik A, Nair D, Nair S, Mishra A, Garg A, Vaishampayan S. Oral squamous cell carcinoma associated with oral submucous fibrosis have better oncologic outcome than those without. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology. 2017 Sep 1;124(3):225-30. 2017
Vaishampayan S, Malik A, Pawar P, Arya K, Chaturvedi P. Short message service prompted mouth self-examination in oral cancer patients as an alternative to frequent hospital-based surveillance. South Asian journal of cancer. 2017 Oct;6(04):161-4. 2017
Pantvaidya GH, Vaidya A, Vaishampayan S. – Face & Jaws In: John S.P Lumley, Anil K, D Cruz, Jamal J, Haballah, Carol E.H, Scoot – Connor . Hamilton Bailey’s Physical Sign’s : Demonstrations of Physical Signs in Clinical Surgery – 19th United States: CRC Press:2016(Book) 2016
Sagar S. Vaishampayan, Deepa Nair, Asawari Patil, Pankaj Chaturvedi. Recurrent ameloblastoma in temporal fossa: a diagnostic dilemma. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. Apr-Jun 2013; 4(2): 220-222 (PUBMED) 2013
Suhail Sayed,Shilpi Sharma,Pawan Rane,Sagar Vaishampayan,Sanjay Talole,Pankaj Chaturvedi , Devendra Chaukar,Anuja Deshmukh,Jai Prakash Agarwal, Anil D,cruz – Can Metastatic Lymph Node Ratio (LNR) Predict Survival in Oral Cavity Cancer Patients? – Journal of Surgical Oncology, June-2013.9999:1-8. (PUBMED) 2013
Chaturvedi P, Datta S, Nair S, Nair D, Pawar P, Vaishampayan S, Patil A, Kane S. Gross examination by the surgeon as an alternative to frozen section for assessment of adequacy of surgical margin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Head & neck. 2014 Apr;36(4):557-63. 2013
Bhadage CJ, Vaishampayan S, Kolhe S, Umarji H. Osteosarcoma of the mandible mimicking an odontogenic abscess: a case report and review of the literature. Dental update. 2013 Apr 2;40(3):216-21. 2013
Chaturvedi P, Pawar P, Dholam K, Nair D, Nair S, Datta S, Vaishampayan SS. A novel obturator device for management of dilated trachea-esophageal puncture tract fistulas. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2013 Jan 1;65(1):3-5. 2012
Chaturvedi P, Vaishampayan SS, Nair S, Nair D, Agarwal JP, Kane SV, Pawar P, Datta S. Oral squamous cell carcinoma arising in background of oral submucous fibrosis: a clinicopathologically distinct disease. Head & neck. 2013 Oct;35(10):1404-9. 2012
Gunjan S., Pankaj C., Sagar S. Vaishampayan – Arecanut as an emerging etiology of oral cancers in India. – Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. Apr-Jun 2012; 33(2):71-79. 2012
Bhadage CJ, Vaishampayan S, Umarji H. Mandibular metastasis in a patient with follicular carcinoma of thyroid. Contemporary clinical dentistry. 2012 Apr;3(2):212. 2012
Pankaj Chaturved, Sagar Vaishampayan, sudhir Nair, Deepa Nair, Prashant Pawar, and Shubhada Kane: Routine removal of the carotid sheath as part of neck dissection is unnecessary if grossly uninvolved as seen intra-operatively. Int.J. Oral Maxillofacal.Surg.2012;41:576-580.(PUBMED) 2012
Chaturvedi P, Singh B, Nair D, Kane SV, D'cruz A, Datta S, Pawar P, Sagar S. Vaishampayan. Utility of frozen section in assessment of margins and neck node metastases in patients undergoing surgery for carcinoma of the togue. J Can Res Ther 2012;8:100-5 2012

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Sayed AR, Sajjad Salam D, Gandevivala A, Agrawal P, Khan FA, Sanap AA. Moving Forward in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic-Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. 2021 May 25;25(6):4928-35. 2021
Natarajan S, Baviskar P, Gandevivala A, Gupta H, Vichare S.Traumatic optic neuropathy in Orbital wall fractures- Diagnostic parameters and treatement outcomes: A Prsopective Observational Study. Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021 2021
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natarajan, Usha Asnani, Nitesh Patkar, Adil Gandevivala. A Rare Occurrence of mucous retention cyst in mid cheek region: A Case Report. Int Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. 2019
Dr. Imraj M Khalid, Dr.Usha s. Asnani, Dr. Srivalli N.Natarajan, Dr. Adil Gandevivala , Dr. Suraj Ahuja, Dr. Abhishek S. Dutta Though rare but there: Gates-Glidden drill finds a gateway to antrum January 22, 2019 2019
Vibhuti Mhatre, Jigna Pathak, Shilpa Patel, Niharika Swain, Adil Gandevivala - Diffuse Lipomatosis of Face – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry – September – December – 2017; 7(3) ; 185 - 187 2017
Gandevivala A , Sangle A, Shah D, Tejnani A, Sayyed A, khutwad G, et al. Autologous platelet-rich plasma after thirdmoloar sugery. Ann maxillofac Surg 2017:7:245-9 2017
Bhandarwar AU, Patel S, Pathak J, Swain N, Gandevivala A. Postsurgical Epidermal Inclusion Cyst in the Cheek Region. J Contemp Dent 2017;7(3):178-180. 2017
Sidana S Mistry, Gandevivala A, Motwani N – Evaluction of the Need for antibiotic prophylaxis during routine Intra- alveolar Dental Extractions in Health Patients : a Randomized Double- Blind controlled Trial – Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practic – April – 2017. 2017
Dr. Adil Gandevivala, Dinesh H Shah, Sunil Sidana, Akram Khan - Modified Rhomboid Flap for Reconstruction of Defect of Check after Excision of Basal Cell Carcinoma – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry – May – August – 2016 Vol- 6 (2) – 154-156 2016
Dr. Adil Gandevivala – Surgical Correction Of Ankyloglossia With Four – Flap Z- Frenuloplasty - GUIDENT – Your Guide on the path of Dentistry – vol- 7, Issue- 7 June - 2016 2016
Dr. Sunil Sidana, Dr. Shah Dineshbhai Himmatlal, Dr. Adil Gandevivala - Coronal Approach – A Simple And Cosmetic Approach To Craniofacial Fractures – Famdent Practical Dentistry Handbook Vol. 16Issue 3 Jan- Mar – 2016 – 68-72 2016
Shshrut Vaidya, Sunil Sindana, Adil Gandevivala, Ashvin Wagh - A Rare case of complex odontome in posterior maxilla – Journal Dent Res Rev 2015;2:82-5 2015
Adil Gandevivala, Bandish Parekh, Gaurav Poplai, Aliya Sayad - Surgical Removal of Fractured Endodontic Instrument in the Periapex of Mandibular First Molar – Journal of International Oral Health Jan-.April - 2014 ; 6(4) : 85-88 2014
"Tejnani A, Gandevivala A, Bhanushali D, Gourkhede S. Combined treatment for a Combined enlargement. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2014 Jul;18(4):516-519." 2014
Adil Gandevivala, Satyajit Dandagi, Amit Sangle, Arun Tambuwala - Management of dentigerous cyst with pathological fracture of the mandible - Journal of Dental & Ora-facial Research Jan- Jun -2014 :10(1) 2014
Sangle A., Adil Gandevivala, Sayed A., Sayed A., Radicular Cyst – A Case Report of a Comprehensive Management. – Universal Research Journal of Dentistry. Jan-April 2012;2(1):25-28. 2012
Adil Gandevivala, Kaul DD, Gupta AK, Tembey AS.– Premaxillary Alveolar Recontouring – A Case Report of Secondary Alveoplasty – Universal Research Journal of Dentistry. Sep-Dec 2011;1(1):46-48. 2011
Smita Sonavane, Usha Asnani, Adil Gandevivala – Retrieval of Foreign Object from Maxillary antrum – A Case Report.– JIDA. Jan 2011; 5(1):162-163. 2011
Deepak K., Adil Gandevivala, Suyash S. – Management of Multiple teeth Avulsion – Indian Journal of Dental Advancements. July-Sep 2010; 2(3):291-293. 2010

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Baviskar PS, Ahuja SA, Natarajan S, Bagchi PR. Tetanus of Suspected Dental Causality , Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2020 2021
Usha Asnani, Srivalli Natarajan, Nitesh Patkar, Suraj Ahuja, Abhishek Datta, Imran Khalid. Evaluation of incidence of neurosensory deficits following removal of impacted mandibular third molar : A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 cases. Intl J Oral Health Med Res, March – April 2020. 2020
Ahuja SA, Deshpande G, Dutta A, Natarajan S, Asnani U, Khalid I. Borescope: A frugal tool for capturing cleft palatal surgeries. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 2019 Sep 1;72(9):1576-606. 2019
Ahuja SA, Galinde J, Asnani U, Mistry YA. Comparative evaluation of clinical outcomes using delta plates and conventional miniplates for internal fixation of mandibular condylar fractures in adults. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2018 Jun 1;76(6):1255-66. 2018
Mistry YA, Natarajan SS, Ahuja SA. Evaluation of laser tissue welding and laser-tissue soldering for mucosal and vascular repair. Annals of maxillofacial surgery. 2018 Jan;8(1):35. 2017
Ahuja SA, Natarajan S , Galinde J, Asnani U: Management of parotid sialocele using botulinum toxin type –A Novel conservative approach - Annals of dental speciality Vol 5; issue 3 2017. 2017
Jyotsna Galinde, Suraj Arjun Ahuja – Sublingual epidermoid cyst: A Case Report – Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Research 2017:4(1):313-318 2017
Kartik Poonja, Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Mahesh Sonar, Rafeeq Nalaband, Tanvi Bhagat – Intentional Re- Implantation – A Viable Treatment Option – Case Report – Annals and Essences of Dentistry – Vol .IX, Issue – 2, April – Jun - 2017 2017
Sunil Sidana, Suraj A. Ahuja,, Tanvi Bhagat – Buccal Fast Pad as Pedicled Graft in a Case of Oral Verrucous Carcinoma – International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research (Case Report) ISSN – 2395-7387 – March – April – 2017 ;Vol – 3. Issue – 6 2017
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natrajan, suraj Arjun Ahuja, Gas gangrene in the Neck caused by an odontogenic, Infection - A case report. Journal of surgery 2017, J129 - volmee 2017 Issue 06 2017
Shailesh Nareshkumar Kokal, Suraj Arjun Ahuja, Nareshkumar T Kokal, Haemant A Baonekar – Clinical Experience with Osteosynthesis of Subcondylar Fractures of the Mandible using Delta Plate – Journal of Contemporary Dentistry- January- April 2016:6(1): 63-66 2016
Natarajan S, Ahuja S, Asnani U – Incidence of Airway Compromise in Patients with Head, Face and Nweck Injuries – An Observational Study – Case Report - Intenational Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research - 2016:3:1-5. 2016

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Sidana S, Kadam S. Cicatricial ectropion of lower eyelid: A report of two cases. J Cutan Aesthet Surg 2021;14:233-7. 2021
Sidana S, Natarajan S, Vathare PP, Kadam S, Shah SB. Basal Cell Carcinoma in Medial Canthal Region. J Contemp Dent 2019; 9 (3):141-143. 2019
Sneha Kadam, Sushrut Vaidya, Jyotsna Galinde, Srivalli Natrajan. Clinical outcome of rapid absorbable irradiated polyglactin 910 suture versus non-absorbable ethilon suture in closure of the skin wounds of head and neck region –a comparative study. .Int J Sc Research Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018(PUBMED) 2018
Vaidya S, Natrajan S, Kadam S. Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma involving Parotid Gland: A Rare Entity. J Contemp Dent 2017;7(1):1-5. 2017

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Bhaskaran MK, Shenoy A, Soni H, Lijo, Chadha Y, Rao CV. A Novel Technique Of Infant Feeding Tube Modification Of Transpalatal Wiring With Conventional Transpalatal Wiring In Management Of Maxillary Palatal Fracture – A Comparative Study. Med. Res. Chronicles., 8(2), XXXX 2021
Bhaskaran MK, Lijo J, Shenoy A, Rao CV. Intraoperative Use of C-Arm Fluoroscope for Location of Foreign Body in Maxillofacial Surgery: Series of Cases. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction Open. 2019 Jan;3(1):s-0039. 2019
Shenoi SR, Rao C. Arch Wire: A Novel Technique for Intra-Maxillary Fixation. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 2016 Dec;15(4):547-8. 2016

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Usha Asnani, Srivalli Natarajan, Nitesh Patkar, Suraj Ahuja, Abhishek Datta, Imran Khalid. Evaluation of incidence of neurosensory deficits following removal of impactedmandibular third molar : A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 cases. INT J Oral Health Med Res, March – April 2020. 2020
Sushrut Vaidya, Srivalli Natarajan, Usha Asnani, Nitesh Patkar, Adil Gandevivala. A Rare Occurrence of mucous retention cyst in midcheek region: A Case Report. Int Arch Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019. 2019
Vivek Patni, Neeraj Kolge, Nitesh Patkar, Mitesh Jain, Huzaifa Ezzy, Gayatri Kolge. “Orthodontic treatment of Multiple Supernumerary & Impacted teeth: Interdisciplinary Approach” , Mod App Dent Oral Health 2019 2019
Nitesh Patkar, Imran Khalid. A Rare Presentation of Pilar cyst on neck: A Case Report . InJ Sci Res. Aparil 2018 2018

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Baviskar PS, Ahuja SA, Natarajan S, Bagchi PR. Tetanus of suspected dental causality. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2021 Feb 1;122(1):115-8. 2021
Natarajan S, Baviskar PS, Gandevivala A, Gupta H, Vichare SN. Traumatic Optic Neuropathy in Orbital Wall Fractures - Diagnostic Parameters and Treatment Outcomes: A Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021 Jun 23. 2021
Pasad AK, Baviskar PS, Nadgere JB, Iyer JV. Evaluation of anxiety in patients undergoing complete denture treatment. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2021 Jan 1;21(1):66-73. 2021
Sidana S, Goyal P, Natarajan S, Patel S, Swain N, Baviskar PS. Is There a Correlation Between Radiographic Presentation of Multilocularity and Aggressive Histology of Unicystic Ameloblastomas.–Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature. Asian Journal of Dental Sciences. 2021 Jun 2:39-48. 2021

Sr. No Publication Details Year of Publication
Taher M, Srivalli N, Yusuf M. Comparative Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Laser Skin Resurfacing Using an Ultra-Pulse Carbon Dioxide Laser and Manual Dermabrasion Using a Medium-Grit Drywall Sand Screen for Scar Revision in Adults: A Split-Scar Prospective Study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2019 Feb 1;77(2):411-e1. 2019
“ Mistry YA, Natarajan SS, Ahuja SA. Evaluation of laser tissue welding and laser-tissue soldering for mucosal and vascular repair. Annals of maxillofacial surgery. 2018 Jan;8(1):35. 2018
Ahuja SA, Galinde J, Asnani U, Mistry YA. Comparative evaluation of clinical outcomes using delta plates and conventional miniplates for internal fixation of mandibular condylar fractures in adults. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2018 Jun 1;76(6):1255-66. 2018
Deshpande G, Natarajan S, Mistry TA, Mistry Y. Craniofacial Plexiform Neurofibromatosis. J Contemp Dent 2018; 8 (1):50-56. 2018
Dr. Sunil Sidana, Dr. Taher Abbas Mistry, Dr. Yusuf Abbas Mistry, "Congenital Epidermoid Cyst within the Parotid Gland - A Rare Presentation", International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018, 893 - 894 2018
Mistry AA, Mistry YA, Kale C, Mistry TA, Goleria DK, Samudre BA. A retrospective study of tibial cancellous bone grafting in the management of alveolar clefts. Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies. 2018 Jul 1;5(2):113. 2018
Sidana S, Mistry Y, Gandevivala A, Motwani N. Evaluation of the need for antibiotic prophylaxis during routine intra-alveolar dental extractions in healthy patients: a randomized double-blind controlled trial. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice. 2017 Sep 1;17(3):184-9. 2017
Mistry YA, Mistry T, Kokal S. Oral Myiasis—A Pauper's Affection: Case Reports and a Review of 62 Cases. J Contemp Dent 2017; 7 (1):62-70. 2017

Sr. No. Publication Details Year of Publication
Salvi R, Gadda R, Bhatia V, Patil A, Patel V. Oral Submucous Fibrosis – Review of Literature. J Contemp Dent 2011; 1 (1):26-29. 2021

10th Feb 2021

Virtual To Real

2nd Dec 2021

Tips and Technique:Painless Shots

17th Dec,2019

Dept of Oral Surgery at MGMDCH organized a Two day Workshop on "Surgical Approaches to the Facial Skeleton"

14th June,2018



9th National Workshop held on “Complications in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery”


8th National Workshop held in December 2016 on “Maxillofacial Tumours and Facial Aesthetics”


7th International Workshop held in Nov 2015 on “Obstructive Sleep Apnea”


6th International Workshop and Master Course held in Feb 2014


5th National Workshop held in October 2012 on “Changing Trends In Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery”


4th National Workshop held in November 2011 on “Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery”


3rd National Workshop held in November 2010 on “Surgical Access & Tissue Harvesting”


2nd National Workshop held in November 2009 “Maxillofacial Deformities”


1st National Workshop held in November 2008 “Maxillofacial Trauma”

Sr. No. Title Of Project Name of Researcher Status
Incidence of neurosensory deficits following third molar surgeries Dr. Usha Asnani Completed
Comparative evaluation of the Perioperative efficacy of immuno-nutritional and protein supplements as a dietary adjunct in participants undergoing surgical management of Oral squamous cell carcinoma – A Prospective randomised double blind study Dr. Shruti Vichare Completed
Comparative evaluation of efficacy of low level diode laser therapy and conventional medical therapy in recovery of infraorbital or inferior alveolar neurosensory deficits in participants undergoing open reduction and internal fixation for maxillofacial trauma – A prospective randomised observer blind study Dr. Prachi Goyal Completed
Comparative evaluation of efficacy of periodontal ligament pressure injector and preprogramed anaesthetic delivery system with conventional self aspirating syringe in securing anaesthesia for extraction of mandibular posterior teeth – a randomised study Dr Rex Lopes Completed
Comparative evaluation of accuracy of orbital reconstruction and clinical outcomes achieved with stereo lithography based pre bent orbital implants and custom made patient specific implants in unilateral single or two walled orbital fractures – a double blind clinical study Dr. Burhanuddin K Completed
Evaluation of Virtual Image Assisted Custom Fabricated Surgical Jig as a guide to improve Surgical Outcomes of Open Reduction Internal Fixation in Patients with Unilateral Orbital Fractures- A Prospective Observational Study. Dr. Padmakar Baviskar Completed
Comparative Evaluation of The Bone Fill With and Without Use of Enriched Bone Graft Matrix With Concentrated Growth Factor Membrane for Socket Preservation in Patients Undergoing Extraction of Mandibular Molars: A Split-Mouth Randomised Controlled Clinical Study Dr. Saloni Shah Completed
Comparative Evaluation of the Esthetic Outcomes of Octyl 2 Cyanoacrylate Skin Adhesive and Ethilon Suture in Patients Requiring Skin Incisions In Maxillofacial Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Study Dr. Ruchita Balkawade Completed
Comparative Evaluation of The Bone Fill With and Without Use of Enriched Bone Graft Matrix With Concentrated Growth Factor Membrane for Socket Preservation in Patients Undergoing Extraction of Mandibular Molars: A Split-Mouth Randomised Controlled Clinical Study Dr. Pradeep Vathare Completed
Evaluation of clinical outcomes of retromandibular transparotid and transoral endoscopic assisted approach for surgical management of subcondylar fracture: A comparative randomized prospective study. Dr. Ajit Sinha Completed
Evaluation of Efficacy and complications of three dimensional plate and miniplates in the management of anterior mandibular fractures : A comparative randomized prospective study. Dr. Abhishek Das Completed
Comparative evaluation of palatal length, speech outcomes & surgical complications following use of Von Langenbeck & Bardach two flap technique for the repair of cleft palate : A prospective randomized study Dr. Yash Oswal Completed
Evaluation of Efficacy and complications of three dimensional plate and miniplates in the management of anterior mandibular fractures : A comparative randomized prospective study. Dr. Nitesh Patkar Completed
Evaluation of the efficacy of topical Feracrylum solution (1%) as a haemostatic agent during major head and neck surgery – A randomized controlled study Dr. Vani Mehrotra Completed
Comparative Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid Spray Versus Normal Saline Spray on Swellings, Pain, and Trismus after Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar– A Randomised Controlled Split Mouth Study Dr. Raj Merchant Completed
Comparative evaluation of aesthetic outcome in unilateral cleft lip repair between Mohler’s and Fisher’s repair techniques – A prospective, randomised observer blind study. Dr. Mazin Deshmukh Completed
Comparative evaluation of clinical outcomes of laser skin resurfacing using ultra pulse CO2 laser and manual dermabrasion using medium grit drywall sand screen for scar revision in adults- A Split scar prospective study. Dr. Taher Mistry Completed
Comparative Evaluation Of Clinical Outcomes Using Delta Plates And Conventional Miniplates For Internal Fixation Of Mandibular Condylar Fractures In Adults Dr. Suraj Ahuja Completed
Correlation between Incidence and Spectrum of Ophthalmic Injuries and Patterns of Craniofacial Fractures Involving Orbital Walls - A Prospective study Dr. Dinesh Shah Completed
A Comparative Evaluation of Laser Tissue Welding, Laser Tissue Soldering and Suturing For Mucosal and Vascular Repair – an In-Vitro Study Dr. Yusuf Mistry Completed
Clinical outcome of rapid absorbable irradiated polyglactin 910 suture versus non absorbable ethilon suture in closure of the skin wounds of Head and Neck region – A Comparative Study Dr. Sneha Kadam Completed
Evaluation of Autogenous ramus bone graft in management of defect produced by surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars – a split randomized clinical study Dr. Vinayak More Completed
Study of pattern of soft tissue laceration of maxillofacial region in relation to etiology of injury and its management. Dr. Ravi Khare Completed
Isolation and characterization of dental pulp stem cells from exfoliated human deciduous teeth Dr. Ashvin Wagh Completed
Isolation and characterization of dental pulp stem cells from human third molar teeth Dr. Gauri Kokane Completed
Comparative Evaluation Between Conventional and Locking Miniplates in the Treatment of Mandibular Fractures. Bhide Varun Anil Completed
Fibro-osseous lesions of the Jaws-Analysis of Demographic Distribution and Correlation in Biological Behaviour and Histopathological Study. Dr. Chavan Hemant Bhimrao Completed
Changing patterns in midfacial/craniofacial injuries Dr. Alok Bhardwaj Completed
Evaluation of Neurosensory deficits in maxillofacial surgery Dr. Kartik Poonja Completed
Evaluation of sodium and potassium imbalances in a patient after trauma Dr. Radhika Ramaswami Completed
The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction proprespective analysis of 50 cases Khanna Deepak Surinder Completed
Incidence and screening for rhinocerebral mucormycosis and its risk factors in patients with COVID 19A combined retrospective and prospective cohort study. Dr. Srivalli Natarajan On Going
Effect of recurrent trauma on a healed fracture of the mandible with internal fixation implants in situ: A finite element analysis Dr. Chinmay Rao On Going
Radiographic evaluation of integrity of orbital plate of palatine bone for consideration as stable landmark and distance measurement from inferior orbital rim upto orbital plate of palatine bone in unilateral orbital floor fractures Dr. Burhanuddin K On Going
Awareness about Local anaesthetic reversal agents amongst dental practitioners in Mumbai Metropolitan region – A cross sectional survey Ms. Sakshi Shetty On Going
Awareness about green dentistry amongst dental practitioners in Maharashtra – A cross sectional survey Ms. Bhoomi Shah On Going
Evaluation of time and complications of retromandibular transparotid and anteroparotid transmasseteric approach in surgical management of mandibular condylar and subcondylar fractures: A Prospective Randomized Comparative Study. Dr. Pareeksit Bagchi On Going
Radiographic accuracy and clinical outcomes of orbital reconstruction achieved with preformed titanium orbital implants and stereo lithographic model based prebent stock titanium implants in unilateral orbital wall fractures – a prospective randomised double blind study Dr. Sagar Mishra On Going
Speech and surgical outcomes achieved with the use of Furlow’s double opposing Z-plasty and buccal myomucosal flap technique for the repair of velopharyngeal insufficiency in previously repaired cleft palate patient: A prospective randomized clinical study. Dr. Manisha Shinde On Going
Comparative evaluation of stability of fixation of one and two titanium mini plates in different positions with and without arch bar in three non confined parasymhysis fracture patterns – a three dimensional finite element analysis Dr. Oshin Akolkar On Going
Comparative evaluation of clinical and radiological outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation of unilateral subcondylar fracture with and without use of virtual surgical planning Dr. Ria Mukharjee On Going
Evaluation of aesthetic outcome of autologous fat grafting in post traumatic facial asymmetry – a prospective clinical study Dr. Shivaji Chavan On Going
Evaluation of stability of fixation using conventional miniplate osteosyntheis in comminuted and non comminuted le fort I, II , III fractures Dr. Sanskriti Gandhi On Going
Comparative Evaluation of surgical and aesthetic outcomes of transconjunctival with lateral canthotomy and supraorbital eyebrow approach to access superolateral eyebrow approach to acess superolateral orbital rim in zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures – a prospective randomized clinical study Dr. Gaurav Chopade On Going